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Working drawing for 'Wing', suspended porcelain and light sculpture, Memoria, 2015


This is a working drawing of one of four porcelain and light sculptures created for Memoria, 2015. This project gave me the wonderful opportunity to meet a small number of former mill workers who had spent time at Armley Mills, in its heyday the largest woollen mill in the world. Working in partnership with what is now Leeds Industrial Museum at Armley Mills, these people were invited to return and meet with us to share their memories of life at the mill during the early to mid twentieth century. I spent a lot of time in the company of these people, some of whom were now quite elderly, just simply walking around the museum exploring their recollections. Wing resulted form such a walk with a gentleman who had been an experienced loom engineer. We had stopped at the site of a former water wheel, and as we chatted he remarked how much he missed those times but by being there with me on that day made his spirit soar. Wing was the result of the words he spoke to me.    

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